Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Household Humor

We have had some interesting conversations in our household this evening. It started with an interaction between my husband and I after he arrived home from work.

Interaction #1:

J. had had a difficult day at work. Being an empathic wife :>), I listened to him when he called on the phone and then gave him some space when he came home. Finally, in an attempt to be supportive, I asked him, "What do you need, dear?" He looked at me and said, "Honey, if I knew what I needed I would be a woman."

Interaction #2:

We have family Bible reading and prayer after dinner in our home. This evening's reading were about Jacob wrestling with God and Jacob's subsequent reunion with his brother, Esau. We discussed with them what it meant to wrestle with God, and the significance of Jacob's name being changed. Then, we reminded them of why Jacob was nervous to meet Esau after all that had happened between them. My husband, hoping to draw some modern day parallels relevant to sibling relationships, asked the children what they had learned from the lesson. Our youngest, dear Miss B., piped up and said with a totally straight face, "I learned you shouldn't listen to your mother. After all, it was Jacob's mother who told him to dress like his brother and make the soup and steal the blessing."

Thank God for humor. In the midst of much stress and chaos it is surely welcome!