Sunday, May 20, 2007

An Experiment Begins

I never thought I would start a blog!

However, recent life events have convinced me that it was time to start journaling about some of my thoughts, feelings, and experiences before my life passes by and I fail to "process" or meditate upon the message that these life events, and my reactions to them, have for my maturation and growth in holiness.

I am, as the blog title suggests, an introvert. I need space and time to reflect upon my world and my experience of it. I need solitude with God and quiet time in order to "refuel" myself. In the reality that is my world, time restrictions often mean I don't often take time to reflect upon, much less write about, what I learn in my quiet spaces.

Since I already spend a good deal of time on my computer during any given day, I am hoping that this blog will be a venue in which I can capture and reflect upon some of the "whisperings" of my soul as I contemplate life's journey and my part in it.

So, my experiment begins!


Mousie and Christy's Mommy said...

Welcome to "blog world," my dear friend! I look forward to future postings for I know they will be full of good things!

Miz Minka said...

You did it! (That was fast!) Welcome to Bloggityville, Blog Land, Cyber Space, whatever... Looking forward to lurking on a fellow introvert's blog.

Jessica Snell said...

Cyndi, I'm so excited about you having a blog; and after reading your first real post, I find my excitement is entirely warrented. :D Thanks for writing and for sharing your writing.


sylvia said...

I love you, my sister. You have a heart for Jesus. How wonderful for us that we have a God who looks at the heart. I know you have been hurting my sweet sister, and I missed you last night at our Lectio group. We read Matthew 7... and praise the Lord when we put "serious obedience" into practice, even when "rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit - nothing moved that house. It was fixed to the Rock." (from the Message) Hold on to the Rock, Cyndi - welove you.