Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Weekend in Downieville

My family ushered in the Fall by going camping this weekend in the Tahoe National Forest. Despite the intermittent rain, we spend a glorious 48 hours up in the mountains near Downieville (a mountain-bikers version of heaven -- just ask Uncle S!) reconnecting with each other.

Leaves beginning to turn colors

J. walking behind our camping area

We went hiking on the banks of the North Yuba River. Along the way my dear little B. found a lizard which she quickly made into a pet. It was only too willing to oblige her since her hand was the warmest surface around!

J., J., and B. walking along the Yuba River

B. with her "pet" lizard

We also ran across a few frogs. J. thought this was really cool and spent lots of time trying to catch them.

One of J's frog friends

We picked blackberries and climbed hills and went on hikes. And when it rained we hung out in our trailer and played cards games and dice games (5000 and 'Stack 'Em') and read books and rested.

B. hiking up the side of a small hill, trying to keep up with R. and J.

Our camping site

It was the most restful experience I have had in a long time! Thanks be to God for the mountains!


Mousie and Christy's Mommy said...

What beautiful pictures and what a great "family time!" Now if it had only lasted for weeks instead of just days.....

MSGWife said...

You have a camping trailer? How lame is that? Camping should be hard core camping, you know tent, thermarest mattress, sleeping bag, camp stove, and the ever needed GROOVER!!! Can't live without the groover.....hehe