Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Too Busy!

I have a new litmus test for whether or not I am too busy: Do I have time to reflect sufficiently about the events in my life such that I could compose a blog entry about something that happened?

The obvious answer for the last week has been, "No." I haven't written on the blog in over a week. When I realized this I though about the last week, and determined that I have been running from appointment, to event, to project almost constantly. Yikes! I hate it when I slide into that mode of operating.

It is not a good way to live.

When I am this busy I lose the ability to see with the "eyes of my heart." Instead, I shift into an efficiency mode that makes me border on the tyrannical with my kids and husband. I become singularly focused -- it's all about "getting things done." I hate it when I do that. Yet I, like the apostle Paul, continue to do "that which I hate."

My younger daughter brought me back to reality yesterday. We were at church, and she was looking at one of the many beautiful stained glass windows which adorn our parish. She looked up at one of the windows which portrays Jesus carrying a lamb over his shoulders and said confidently to me, "Mom, you see that picture? That's Jesus, and he's carrying me. I'm His lamb" Then she bopped off to look at something else with her brother.

The simplicity of her statement and her confidence that the Lord Jesus is with her and carries her through her daily life hit me right between the eyes. The message to me was clear: "Slow down, and let me carry you. "

Message received, at least for now.

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