Saturday, June 9, 2007

A Week Revisited

This has been a difficult and discouraging week. Events alluded to here have snowballed, and my husband and I are spending a lot of time reminding each other that our job is to obey and be faithful to God with our lives; it is His job to take care of the stressful events that we find ourselves in the middle of right now.

All of this by way of introduction to say that I have had very little time to ponder things that I could actually blog about. I have a few blogs which are half written, but, I seem to have lost my inspiration to finish them, at least for the time being. Maybe next week will be a better week...

As I am writing this my 11 year-old daughter (Mini-me), who makes it a habit to read my blog, bops in and reads the above paragraphs. She looks at me and says admonishingly, "Mom, when I am having a hard time you always encourage me to look at the things in my life that are good, and give thanks to God for how He's blessed me. Maybe you should do that and you'll have a better week, or at least a better outlook!"

*sigh* I hate it when my own words are preached back to me by my eldest child. But, I believe she's right. I suppose I should practice what I preach!

So, what happened this week for which I can give thanks?

* Good friends called, e-mailed, got together for coffee to talk with me. I am thankful for the gift of friendship.

* My mother celebrated her __ birthday. I am thankful that I have a wonderful extended family living near us, all of whom are very involved in our lives and supportive of us as a family.

* One of the youth from our church's youth group (which I lead) graduated from high school. We went to her graduation party. I am thankful for her and for the ways in which she has touched my life.

* I spent an hour Friday evening on my riding lawn mower with my younger daughter. We had a delightful time talking about the birds and the trees and how we really shouldn't run over daddy's sprinklers :)

* My husband and I were able to spend time sitting outside drinking a glass of Merlot before dinner last night.

* The kids put on a musical "production" last night, with R. on the piano, and J. and B. acting out various dramatic scenes. It was both hilarious and touching, depending on the song. We really do enjoy our children!

I think I feel better already!


Mousie and Christy's Mommy said...

What wise words you shared with your daughter and she shared back with you! Perhaps more of us should take time to do that weekly "thankful review." That is excellent fodder for a good weekly blog! I will start mine here...I am thankful for the mystery of the Eucharist that consistently feeds my soul. I am thankful for wonderful Christian friends that bring sunshine to my life! works!!

Anonymous said...

Dude, I'm totally mentioned!! :)
I really am thankful that you and your family have come into my life. You have truly inspired me and helped me to become closer with God and to become an all around better person. Thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

And I am blessed to have you in my life